On the 5th of July we went to see the castle Sümeg Vár in the city of Sümeg. It is just so interesting that the ground is flat except where there is a castle. Obviously, in those days it was important to their defense.
On the trail up to the Castle, Elder King saw a goat. Can you see the goat at the top of the grass. He is running up the hill to get a picture of it. This cute family was just walking down the hill when I snapped the picture.
There were a few people in costumns. The horse and donkey were just walking around with the people.
Elder King had to give the stilts a try.
This sign on the "cage" says "nursery for children". I wonder if that is really true. Elder Rae is taking the picture of Elder King in the Nursery.
The typical clothes
This is the torchure room.
This is a girl they are going to burn at the stake. It reminds me of the Book of Mormon story of Abinadi see Mosiah 17:14-15 and Alma and Amulek see Alma 14:8.
This is a model of one of the wars. It might be the war with the Turks. I'm not sure. During the American Revolutionary War, the British wore bright red and also stood in straight lines like this. I'm glad the Americans got smart and hid in the bushes.
We also went to the ruins of the Castle of Döbrönte on a different day. Can you see the modern windmill on the horizon. It's like looking at old technology and new technology at the same time. It's mind boggling to look at both ends of the time spectrum.
This picture is of Sister Kovacs and Sister Neagle. In the next picture Elder King is trying to climb the castle wall. (And no he didn't make it. He had to walk around).
Cameron says, "I like the pictures of the castle"